You're attending a convention. You're about to leave your hotel room to go to the first days events when you realise you don't have your ID card with you. You won't be able to get in without it. A quick scan of the room doesn't reveal it's presence, but it has to be around somewhere. (display: "room")A quick pat down of the bed doesn're reveal any sign of your ID. You can either check the rest of the [[room]] or [[check under the bed->under_bed]]A typical dresser. It has a [[welcome pack]] (if: !$got_wallet)[and your [[wallet]] ]on top of it. It contains [three sets of drawers]<drawers|. (click: ?drawers)[You can search [[the top drawer->top_drawer]] [[the middle drawer->middle_drawer]] or [[the bottom drawer->bottom_drawer]] ] Or you could check [[the rest of the room->room]] A tall wardrobe positioned to one side of the dresser. Inside your [[clothes]] are neatly hung up. There is a [[drawer->wardrobe_drawer]] at the bottom. There seems to be something on the [[top]]. Or you could return to the [[rest of the room->room]].(if: $door_unlocked)[(set: $count to $count -1)(goto: "on_balcony")] (if: $key_found)[ (if: $door_tried)[You were right, the key does fit this door.] (else:)[There doesn't seem to be any key, so you try the one you found in the dresser] (set: $door_unlocked to true) With the door unlocked you can now go [[through->on_balcony]].] (else:)[The door is locked and the key is missing. Great! something else that you've lost. (set: $door_tried to true) (display: "room")] Looking out through the glass door you can see a table and a couple of chairs. Sitting on one of your chairs there's the jacket you wore last night. Maybe the ID's in that. (set: $chair_seen to true) (display: "room")You're in a typical hotel bedroom. The [[bed]] has just been made (You don't like leaving it to the cleaners). There is a [[dresser]] and a [[wardrobe]]. A [[door]] leads out onto the [[balcony]], but your ID couldn't be out there, could it?The usual gumpf, giving you information about the hotel and local area. None of it really useful, especially now. You return to the dresser. (display: "dresser")(set: $got_wallet to true) \ Of course the ID will be in your wallet, that's where you keep all your cards. So it'd be logical that you'd put it in there. You search through all of the cards. [A debit card]<line1| (click: ?line1)[[A credit card]<line2|] (click: ?line2)[[Another credit card]<line3|] (click: ?line3)[[A national insurance card]<line4|] (click: ?line4)[[A blood donor card (You're A negetive)]<line5|] (click: ?line5)[[And a supermarket loyalty card.]<line6|] (click: ?line6)[No sign of your ID card though. With a sigh you shove the wallet in your pocket and return to the [[dresser]]. ] You go through all your trousers and shirts in turn, checking and rechecking the pockets. You find some loose change and a half eaten pack of polos, but no ID card. (display: "wardrobe") The drawers contain socks, underwear, and a couple of jumpers, but no id. (display: "wardrobe")(if: $chair_taken)[By climbing on the chair you can see what's on the wardrobe. It's your id. (if: $count < $lect_start)[(display: "end_1")](else:)[(display: "end_2")]] (else:)[The wardrobe is too high to see what's on top. (if: $chair_seen)[Maybe if you brought in that chair from the balcony, you could stand on it.] (else:)[You need something to stand on] (set: $wardrobe_seen to true) (display: "wardrobe")] There is a [[table]] and a [[chair]] out here. Your [[jacket]] is hanging from the back of the chair. (set: $chair_seen to true) Or you can return to the [[room]]There's nothing either on the table, or dropped underneath it. (display: "on_balcony")(if: $wardrobe_seen)[You could use this chair to see on top of the wardrobe. You take it through to the room. (set: $chair_taken to true) (display: "room")] (else:)[Your id isn't on or around the chair. (display: "on_balcony")] You search through the jacket's pockets, but don't find any sign of your id. (display: "on_balcony") (if: !$end)[ (if: $count > $lect_end)[(goto: "end_4")] (elseif: $count > $lect_start)[it's starting to get late. maybe you should [[risk going to the lecture without your id->end_3]]] ]Fortunately you meet up with some colleagues on the way to the lecture so you're able to get in. The downside is they're never going to let you hear the end of it. (set: $end to true)You get to the lecture room before the lecture is due to start. There's even time to do some networking beforehand. (set: $end to true)The lecture has already started by the time you get there, but you haven't missed too much. The start is normally pretty boring anyway. (set: $end to true)Well you've missed that lecture now. (if: $got_wallet)[Might as well go down to the bar and have a drink.] (else:)[You don't even have any money for a drink. Might as well take a nap.] Hopefully your id will show up later. (set: $end to true){ (set: $got_wallet to false) (set: $door_tried to false) (set: $door_unlocked to false) (set: $key_found to false) (set: $chair_taken to false) (set: $chair_seen to false) (set: $wardrobe_seen to false) (set: $end to false) (set: $checked_top_drawer to 0) (set: $checked_middle_drawer to false) (set: $checked_bottom_drawer to false) (set: $checked_under_bed to false) (set: $count to 0) (set: $lect_start to 15) (set: $lect_end to 25) }(set: $count to $count + 1) (if: $checked_top_drawer is 0)[You've put your underwear and socks in the top drawer.] \ (elseif: $checked_top_drawer is 1)[You've already checked this drawer, but checking again won't hurt.] \ (elseif: $checked_top_drawer is 2)[Maybe once more for luck.] \ (elseif: $checked_top_drawer is 3)[Checking again won't help... unless... no you need to check somewhere else.] \ (elseif: $checked_top_drawer is 4)[Okay, one more time, just to make certain] \ (elseif: $checked_top_drawer > 4)[No more. It isn't in the top drawer.] \ (if: $checked_top_drawer < 3 or $checked_top_drawer is 4)[ You start to rummage through it. [rummage...]<search1| (click: ?search1)[[rummage...]<search2|] (click: ?search2)[[rummage...]<search3|] (if: $checked_top_drawer > 0)[ (click: ?search3)[[There's nothing there]<search5|] ] (else:)[ (click: ?search3)[[You've found something...]<search4|] (click: ?search4)[[(either: "A packet of sweets", "A train ticket", "An old coin", "A coaster", "A receipt")]<search5|] ] (click: ?search5)[You close the drawer and go back to the [[dresser]].] ] (else:)[You close the drawer and go back to the [[dresser]].] (set: $checked_top_drawer to it + 1) You haven't used this drawer. As expected it's empty(if: !$key_found)[ except for a key. (if: $door_tried)[It might fit the door to the balcony](else:)[You don't know what it unlocks, but decide to take it, figuring you might find out.]] You return to the dresser. (set: $key_found to true) (display: "dresser") (if: $checked_bottom_drawer)[It's still empty.] (else:)[The drawer squeaks as you open it, which is why you haven't been using it. It's completely empty.] (set: $checked_bottom_drawer to true) You close the drawer and go back to the dresser. (display: "dresser")(if: $checked_under_bed)[You get back down on your knees and peer under the bed. There's nothing there. You go back to checking the rest of the [[room]].](else:)[[You can see something under there]<search1| (click: ?search1)[[It looks like your id]<search2|] (click: ?search2)[[You reach under the bed]<search3|] (click: ?search3)[[almost got it...]<search4|] (click: ?search4)[[almost...]<search5|] (click: ?search5)[it's just a loyalty card. You go back to checking the rest of the [[room]].] (set: $checked_under_bed to true)]